What We Do

Current Programs

Kenyan Girls Forward

Kenya Girls Forward Initiative was introduced in 2012 following Caroline Jones and Jo Robertson’s visit to Kenya in October 2010. During their visit, they had an opportunity to interact with many girls who were dropping out of school

Preventing New Displacements

The project is being implemented in Uasin Gishu County (Huruma and D-Block) and is supported by the Civil Peace Service (GIZ). It aims to prevent new displacements in Huruma and D-Block by promoting peaceful and integrated societies

Sauti Yangu Nguvu Yangu

Sauti Yangu Nguvu Yangu project supported by Ford Foundation was implemented by Rural Women Peace Link (RWPL) in three Counties; Bungoma (Mt. Elgon Sub County), West Pokot..

Wezesha DADA

This project funded by Global Fund for Women sought to address the challenges of sexual violence (early pregnancies, early marriage, and forced marriage) through mentorship

Making 1325 Count

Rural Women Peace Link implemented this program from November 2016 with support from the Embassy of Finland – Nairobi. The program was implemented in Uasin Gishu, Bungoma, and West Pokot counties

Building Bridges of Peace for Our Peace

This was a project funded by The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in partnership with Internews and FHI360 in the program Safeguarding Democratic Space in Kenya (SADES-K).