Kenyan Girls Forward Program interacting with girls dropping out of school

Kenya Girls Forward Initiative was introduced in 2012 following Caroline Jones and Jo Robertson’s visit to Kenya in October 2010. During their visit, they had an opportunity to interact with many girls who were dropping out of school for a myriad of reasons while at the same time getting to understand about what RWPL’s work is in rescuing girls from FGM and supporting their formal education. This greatly inspired them and after lengthy discussions with RWPL regarding how they could support the work RWPL was doing, Kenyan Girls Forward was born. 

The program is under our Girl Education Support and Mentorship pillar. Over the years KGF, under the leadership of Caroline and Jo, has brought hope to many young girls and enabled them to achieve their dreams.  There has also been a growing list of dedicated sponsors joining the program. 

Lucy Bor is a vivid testament of the impact Kenyan Girls Forward has had on needy girls and the communities they hail from. Lucy, from Kapkagaron Village in Nandi County, was a bright young girl who dropped out of school at a young age and got married off by her parents at the age of 16. After she delivered two children, she faced rejection from her abusive husband who eventually ejected her from her matrimonial home. 

In 2012, Lucy moved to Eldoret and got herself a job as a house help. RWPL heard Lucy’s story through her employer and after interacting with her, she got enrolled into the KGF program. Through sponsorship from Loys and Sonja Mather, Lucy completed her high school education and scored a mean grade of C+ and got admission to Laikipia University where she is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Education.

Dilex and Purity are also among the many beneficiaries of the program. View her success story here.

A total of 103 students have been supported over the years since its inception of the program. As of 2020, 25 beneficiaries of the program are in the job market around the country, 36 in the various universities and colleges all over the country, 24 are done with High school and are awaiting to join tertiary colleges available, while 19 are currently in high school. 

The Annual Mentorship Forum
Student beneficiaries of the program coming together for the Annual Mentorship Forum
The Annual Mentorship Forum
Student beneficiaries of the program coming together for the Annual Mentorship Forum
Giving Back
Judith Losili a beneficiary of the program giving back to her community by mentoring youths during school holidays
Mentorship for young girls
A beneficiary and a mentor under the Wezesha DADA Project visiting Aldai Girls high school to engage young students and encourage them to take up up STEM subjects